
Conducted workshop on Quality Planting Materials Production & their Management in Fruit Crops for our Incubatee Mr.Karthik Kumar.


Mr Vikram M.Sc(Horti) first year discussed his entrepreneurial plan of setting up a startup that focus on Mango commercial trading and its value addition activities at Vellore, his native place…His Biz plans to be confidential for the moment.


An introduction to I year UG students on the need for an incubation cell at HC&RI and how they can make good use of the same for becoming an entrepreneur after completion of their final year.. Happy to talk to the students and hope to kindle the spirit of entrepreneurship in the days to come


A preliminary discussion with Syngenta Foundation India Team- Mr B T Seshadri , Mr Aravind and Mr Karuna and DABD,TNAU Team for working together in promoting Agripreneurship activities in TN.Dr S D Sivakumar,Director- DABD,Dr Asokan ,Dr Senthil,Dr Malarvizhi,Mr Gnanasambandan,CEO-TBI,Mr Rajesh,CEO-EDII-PHBIF,Mr Santhosh Business Manager ,EDII-PHBIF and Ms Kavitha participated in the meeting


Bhendi grower Mr Maruthupaandi from Peria Alankulam ,visited our EDII-PHBIF and has requested us to train them in handling export activities of Bhendi.


Dr Subesh Ranjith Kumar,Incubation Manager EDII-PHBIF, interacted with a prospective client “Sotthuparai Mango Farmers Association”at HC & RI ,Periyakulam. Dr Vani, Food Science and Nutrition expert demonstrated to this group the value added products from Mango…This Farmers group will be enrolling with EDII-PHBIF to upgrade their skills and network for marketing their value added produce

Officials Visit

Eventful day at EDII-PHBIF with .Dr Arumugam ,Dean & Nodal officer ,Dr Rajangam HoD Fruits ,Dr Subesh Co-ordinator EDII-PHBIF,Mr Rajesh CEO,Mr Santhosh BM with an Expert visited the allotted space in HC & RI,Periyakulam Orchard for construction of Hitech Polyhouse and Shade net facilities for EDII-PHBIF to foster Entrepreneurship activities.

Officials Visit

Honourable Vice Chancellor Dr Kumar, Honourable Dean Dr Arumugam visited our EDII-PHBIF Office.Dr Subesh ,Co-ordinator EDII-PHBIF,Mr Rajesh and Mr Santhosh explained them in detail the various activities undertaken by EDII-PHBIF towards fostering Entrepreneurship in the field of Horticulture


Dr Palaniappan M/s SUNBEST an expert in Solar energy management visited our office and has shown keen interest to work with EDII-PHBIF


Mr Saravanan Rajagopal from Chattisgarh approached EDII-PHBIF to support his plans to establish a Moringa FPO ..He had discussions with our experts Dr Subesh and Dr Balakumbakan on this subject.Mr Santhosh and Mr Rajesh explained him the working objectives of EDII-PHBIF and how he can be supported by the Team